
O'Brien Wealth Partners Q3 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q3 2019

Dear O’Brien Wealth Partners Investor, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” -French novelist and critic Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr Some literary scholars say that the figurative meaning of this phrase is that turbulent times do not affect reality on a deeper level other than to cement the status quo. Others more simply

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q2 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q2 2019

Dear O’Brien Wealth Partners Investor, As we enter the second half of 2019 the same political uncertainties that have been haunting the market since mid-2018 continue to cast a shadow over business and investor confidence. A U.S. economic recession appears unlikely in the near term; however, business investment is slowing and global growth is showing

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q1 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q1 2019

Dear O’Brien Wealth Partners Investor, The first quarter of 2019 certainly showed us a more benevolent side of the market than we experienced in the fourth quarter of 2018, with almost all risk assets showing positive returns for the quarter. As we mentioned in our last quarterly letter, while over the long run a stock

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q4 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q4 2018

As we reflect back on 2018, we see it as a year of divergence in many respects. Most obviously, it marked the first year in many that the global stock markets almost universally delivered negative returns to investors. More subtly, this decline occurred despite the fact that economic fundamentals have not changed materially from 2017 and yet the experience for investors was much more somber this past year than last. This underscores the fact that we are long term investors for a reason.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q3 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q3 2018

Dear O’Brien Wealth Partners Investor, The third quarter marked the ten year anniversary of the Lehman Brother’s bankruptcy at the apex of the great financial crisis of 2008. As we continue to experience market growth, albeit more muted, it serves as a humbling reminder that ten short years ago many investors fled the markets as

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q2 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q2 2018

During the second quarter the threat of tariffs and a potential “trade war” stole center stage while simultaneously throwing cold water on an economy heated by the new tax bill and increased government spending.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q1 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q1 2018

The market engaged in a lock step game of tug-of-war between the bulls and the bears in the first quarter as two powerful, diametrically opposed forces competed for supremacy.

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Sustainable Investing: Doing Well and Doing Good

We believe in nurturing the kind of financial wellbeing that promotes a more fulfilling life as a whole. That’s where sustainable investing comes in and why we have created our sustainable portfolio.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q4 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q4 2017

Unequivocally, 2017 was a year of high uncertainty filled with volatile headlines. Daily breaking geopolitical news stories, nuclear saber rattling with North Korea and months of coverage of natural disasters contributed to the impression of a world on edge. In stark contrast, Wall Street largely shrugged off the news as markets were among the least volatile on record.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners
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