
O'Brien Wealth Partners Currents Logo

Currents Winter 2022

In this issue of Currents, we discuss tax loss harvesting, ESG performance, rising interest rates, and more news from your O’Brien team!

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Currents Summer 2022

In our Summer 2022 issue of Currents, we discuss long-term care plans, capital gains, slowing US population growth, and the social aspect of ESG investing.

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Currents Fall 2021

In this issue of Currents, we discuss ESG investing, talking to your children about money, why to invest in the emerging markets, and more!

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Currents Spring 2021

In this version of Currents, we talk more about ESG and our mission to provide a Sustainable Portfolio, whether government debt still matters and reflect on the past year’s challenges.

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Currents Fall 2020

In our Fall 2020 issue of Currents, we talk about ESG investing, the best financial practices for busy doctors and how record low interest rates impact portfolio diversification.

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Currents Fall 2019

In this issue of Currents, we discuss the difference between ETFs and Mutual Funds, discuss risk tolerance and asset allocation, widows and money, why we use the MSCI ACWI as our benchmark and more!

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Currents Spring 2019

In this issue of Currents you will find articles on Annuity Options and 1035 Exchanges, Capital Gains and Losses, Saving on Taxes with Charitable Contributions and RMDs and the Science and Art Behind Creating Your Investment Portfolio.

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Currents Fall 2018

This issue of Currents contains an article on the history of market pullbacks, which will provide perspective on the current increased market volatility and the inevitable market corrections of the future. It also features an article on the ways in which the managers of our Sustainable Portfolio are making the world a better place by impacting the environmental, social and governmental practices of the companies in which they invest.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners
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