
O'Brien Wealth Partners Q1 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q1 2019

Dear O’Brien Wealth Partners Investor, The first quarter of 2019 certainly showed us a more benevolent side of the market than we experienced in the fourth quarter of 2018, with almost all risk assets showing positive returns for the quarter. As we mentioned in our last quarterly letter, while over the long run a stock

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q4 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q4 2018

As we reflect back on 2018, we see it as a year of divergence in many respects. Most obviously, it marked the first year in many that the global stock markets almost universally delivered negative returns to investors. More subtly, this decline occurred despite the fact that economic fundamentals have not changed materially from 2017 and yet the experience for investors was much more somber this past year than last. This underscores the fact that we are long term investors for a reason.

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Currents Logo O'Brien Wealth Partners

Currents Fall 2018

This issue of Currents contains an article on the history of market pullbacks, which will provide perspective on the current increased market volatility and the inevitable market corrections of the future. It also features an article on the ways in which the managers of our Sustainable Portfolio are making the world a better place by impacting the environmental, social and governmental practices of the companies in which they invest.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q3 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q3 2018

Dear O’Brien Wealth Partners Investor, The third quarter marked the ten year anniversary of the Lehman Brother’s bankruptcy at the apex of the great financial crisis of 2008. As we continue to experience market growth, albeit more muted, it serves as a humbling reminder that ten short years ago many investors fled the markets as

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obrien_retirement_lauren and qing

When Should I Start Taking Social Security?

Check out Jill’s advice for Social Security published in the Boston Globe!

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Commentary from Jill Fopiano

Achieving the Elusive Balance of Career, Family and Self

Published on Thrive Global: CEO/Single Mom Jill Fopiano Shares Her Secrets for Success

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Currents Logo O'Brien Wealth Partners

Currents Summer 2018

In this issue of Currents you will read two articles devoted to issues around estate planning and protecting yourself and your loved ones.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q2 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q2 2018

During the second quarter the threat of tariffs and a potential “trade war” stole center stage while simultaneously throwing cold water on an economy heated by the new tax bill and increased government spending.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Women & Money Services

Cross Items Off Your Back To School List With These Tips

Need some help with that back to school budget? Check out Jill’s latest tips on NerdWallet.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners
Want to Talk? 617-547-6717