
O'Brien Wealth Partners Women & Money Services

How To Talk Retirement With Your Spouse

Having trouble starting the conversation about retirement with your spouse? Check out Jill’s latest article published on Forbes.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q1 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q1 2018

The market engaged in a lock step game of tug-of-war between the bulls and the bears in the first quarter as two powerful, diametrically opposed forces competed for supremacy.

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Sustainable Investing: Doing Well and Doing Good

We believe in nurturing the kind of financial wellbeing that promotes a more fulfilling life as a whole. That’s where sustainable investing comes in and why we have created our sustainable portfolio.

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Currents Logo O'Brien Wealth Partners

Currents Winter 2018

Retirement is not an ending but an opportunity for new beginnings. It provides a chance to explore what truly matters and the time to pursue the interests and activities that answer this question. Whether it is family, friends, leisure, a second career or giving back, your flame should burn brighter than ever as you enjoy that rare intersection of time, health and money.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Women & Money Services

How to Retire Happy and Comfortably – Business Insider

See what Jill had to say at Business Insider on how to plan for a happy retirement!

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Q4 Client Letter

Quarterly Client Letter – Q4 2017

Unequivocally, 2017 was a year of high uncertainty filled with volatile headlines. Daily breaking geopolitical news stories, nuclear saber rattling with North Korea and months of coverage of natural disasters contributed to the impression of a world on edge. In stark contrast, Wall Street largely shrugged off the news as markets were among the least volatile on record.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Women & Money Services

MarketWatch Series

Jill Fopiano talks to MarketWatch about retirement gifts that make a difference.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Currents Logo

Currents Fall 2017

In this issue of Currents, we’re sharing some exciting news about the O’Brien Wealth Partners team, providing questions you should ask before retiring & more!

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O'Brien Wealth Partners Women & Money Services

A Note From Jill

Jill Fopiano shares thoughts on balancing living in the present versus saving for the future.

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O'Brien Wealth Partners
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